Top 10 Beauty Products Diva on the Run Can’t Live Without_#10

It’s Monday, already. Sigh. The start of another work week.  Back to the hustle and bustle of life.  Choir rehearsal, guitar lessons, dance classes, awards ceremonies, field trips, and graduations are just a few of the things that I see on the at-a-glance view of my Cozi calendar.  (I’m telling you, Cozi is the best thing since sliced bread!)

My son, practicing his guitar

My son, practicing his guitar

Sometimes, with my schedule so busy, I find myself trying to find the thing on my list that I can skip or modify.  Usually, it involves something pertaining to me.  There is one thing, though, that I won’t ever skip.  And that, my friends, is cleansing my face with the Clarisonic Pro.

My #10 beauty product that I can’t live without.

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Somehow, I don’t think I’m alone in the struggle to attain and maintain smooth, beautiful, youthful, acne-free skin.  I’d be rich if I had the secret to blemish-free, acne-resistant skin.  Over the years, we have seen products that promise results.  I probably own 75% of those products!  I’m a self-professed guinea pig to beauty products.  I’ll try just about anything that promises to make me pretty.  I’d show you my stash if it wasn’t so shameful!  Most of the items need to be thrown away.

I purchased my Clarisonic about 2 years ago and I have used it almost every day since I’ve had it.  I use it twice a day, morning and night.  I apply my favorite cleanser (which I’ll be naming later this week) and switch on my brush.  Immediately, I close my eyes and pretend that I’m at the spa (something I rarely get to do).  For two minutes, my personal masseuse deep cleanses my face getting rid of all the dirt, oil, and makeup that my face has been subjected to for the day.  It’s very gentle and non-abrasive.  There’s never a doubt as to whether or not my face has been thoroughly cleansed, as there can sometimes be when you use cleanser alone.

I’ll admit, I kind of cringed a bit when I saw the price.  But, I put away money in the “Mommy Fund” and then splurged on this item.  I’ve never once regretted this purchase.  The brush heads need to be changed about every four months, and Clarisonic usually offers special deals to help you save money.

A friend of mine bought a less expensive replica of the Clarisonic, but she did not get the same results as I did.  A few months later, she purchased the real deal and was kicking herself for not purchasing the real one from the beginning.  There are many other look alikes promising the same results, but I’m sold–Clarisonic is the only way to go!  So there,  you have it:  my #10 beauty product that I simply can’t live without!

Me with my daughter after a school choir concert.

Me with my daughter after a school choir concert. (Note: I’m not even wearing foundation on this picture!)

Follow my blog so that you don’t miss the rest of my Top 10 Beauty Product list!

Posted on May 20, 2013, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. I love my Clarisonic, but this is a great reminder to recharge that sucker!

  2. I need to look into getting one for our house.

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